Sunday, November 9, 2008


So about a month ago my dad went to APacHe GoLD Casino for a World Series Roping....Well the outcome was a TOTAL WIN! I strangely was there on such an occasion.(Usually when I am there he never does any good.) Well he did. He won about $6,400 and a buckle and a 1st place bragging right. Oh YEAH. I had completely destroyed my cup just watching the intense roping. I was nervous but he did awesome under pressure. Way to go DAD. SO....What that means is that we get to go to VEGAS! For the like the ultimate roping EVER! Its going to be totally RAD! Oh and a little side note, Braden did do good too. He won some cash as well. Like a whole wad but hey no big deal only about another $6,400.:)
Here is a little quote that I found after the roping. It was pretty Ironic.
"Most Anybody can be a cowboy, but it takes a damn genius to make money at it!"

After the win! Dad, Mito and the BUCKLE! Haha. I had the cash with me in my pocket. Hehe.
Dad on the phone with mom, telling her about what happened.
Me and Dad. I was really excited. There is an explaination for my hair...RAIN!
The two COWBOYS!

1 comment:

Hawkins Family said...

Way to go Pops!!! He did amazing. Only 29 more days till we are in VEGAS!!!! I am way excited. I am glad we have such awesome ropers in our family.

I am glad you were there to take some pics. The one of you and Dad is cute. Love the Hair,ha,ha.