Sunday, January 18, 2009

One step closer to the SUPERBOWL

Larry Fitzgerald rocked the entire night. Without him I do not know if they would have done as good. Thats right they did it! They won against the EAGLES. HOORAY! Way to go CARDINALS. Superbowl here we come. Two more weeks baby! Bring on the Steelers! RAHHHHH


Cami X said...

Well let me tell you I do NOT know where I fit in down here. I suppose its a good thing, but DEFINATELY could use you. I no nobody thinks quite like a Pima girl, but down here is SO extreme.

And it's easy, I come back to visit, of course! it's not like I am NEVER coming back! I would go nuts!

LOVE YA!!!!!

Cami X said...

And that was supposed to say "know" not "no." Ugh. Squires would be so disappointed. Hemphill probably wouldn't even have noticed though. Lol. Miss you!